¹ For the purpose the of the ILRP, commercial irrigated lands are irrigated lands that have one or more of the following characteristics: 1) The landowner or operator
holds a current Operator Identification Number / Permit Number for pesticide use reporting; 2) The crop is sold to a third party including, but not limited to, (a) an
industry cooperative, (b) harvest crew/company, or (c) a direct marketing location, such as farmers’ markets; 3) The landowner or operator files federal taxes using
federal Department of Treasury Internal Revenue Service Form 1040, Schedule F Profit or Loss from Farming.
² Irrigated lands – Land irrigated to produce crops or pasture for commercial purposes including lands that are planted to commercial crops that are not yet
marketable (e.g., vineyards and tree crop). Irrigated lands also include nurseries, and privately and publicly managed wetlands*.
³ Separate orders – Other Water Board orders that include managed applications to cropland are not required to have additional coverage under the ILRP. An
example of another order is the Confined Animal Facility Order (i.e., dairy, poultry, bovine).
*Managed wetlands are exempt, effective 2021.